My opinion
I want to tell you my opinion about your track.
It feels like some parts were just put together with using percussion.
I suggest you to make some real transitions, using a buildup, or some other instrument than the percussion, playing a melody line. For example at 0:35 - its pretty sudden (maybe you wanted it that way - i dont know). To make it more convincing , i would add some crescendos in some added instruments like brass or maybe strings.
One big problem i have are the horns - they sudden appear and disappear the same way - there is a real big lack of dynamics. (same for the doublebass at the end). But you did it in the later parts - so why not there ?. The piano itself also lacks of dynamics, try to imagine someone playing this - trying to hit every key with the exact same velocity. I guess thats not easy.
Its also not free in tempo - which is understandable because of the percussion.
The doublebass has also some errors in the sound with sudden jumps (dont know how to describe it) and is very loud at all in the later passages - i would make it much more silent, and maybe adding some other strings at all.
The percusion - well its always the same, try to alter it a little bit ,adding some metals, changing the rhythm or maybe even the mesure.
Another point is the combination - the piano is playing soft but you added some harsh percussion to it. If you wanna make the listener having imagination of a "sad looking woman" you should cut out the percussion and replace it by woodwinds and strings.
At all there is not so much happening , that could make it sound boring - try to avoid too long passages where nothing new is happening - thats why i suggest to alter the percussion. You can also change the harmony of the piano - transpose it a 5th upwards or whatever- so its not everytime the same key. (at all the best part was at 1:00)
At last something about the mix - It all sounds like every instrument is in some different room. For example the horns and the doublebasses are "right in the face" overlayering the piano, because reverb is missing at all. You should place them in one room (if you wanna have some orchestral sound).
So im finished.
I give you a score of 6.5 (rounded off to 7) and a vote of 3.
Work on it, be creative, then it will work :)